Discussing the importance of collaboration in proposal writing

Synoptic’s participation in YearUp’s programming continued in November 2023 with a presentation to the current cohort about collaboration, capping off a week of programming on that theme.

Collaboration is key to every part of our work, but Ilana decided to focus on a specific kind of deliverable where collaboration is crucial: preparing compliant and persuasive business proposals. Most of the YearUp students, who are quite early in their careers, were unlikely to have been introduced to proposal preparation in their past experience. This was an opportunity to introduce a new concept and emphasize the particular collaborative skills that make proposal writing go smoothly.

The students were highly engaged as we discussed the process, beginning with understanding the RFP, then brainstorming solutions, understanding the customer’s criteria, researching costs and viability of our solution, writing timelines, and gaining management approval. The students asked excellent questions pertaining to company reputation, citing sources, trusting the confidentiality of the proposal process, maintaining customer relationships, and the role of senior management.

We wish good luck to the current DC YearUp cohort, and much success in your collaborative efforts!

A word cloud describing collaboration in the workplace