Our Capabilities

Our solutions in the RF and acoustic domains focus on scalability, precision, and resilience. We work the full R&D lifecycle from idea to product to create customized, effective communications solutions.

Our Capabilities

Our solutions in the RF and acoustic domains focus on scalability, precision, and resilience. We work the full R&D lifecycle from idea to product to create customized, effective communications solutions.

Precision Time Transfer & Ranging

Precise and accurate time transfer is foundational to building precise and accurate localization, navigation, and network-critical processes.

Synoptic Engineering has demonstrated picosecond-scale time-transfer using a wireless waveform over multiple kilometers, without the need for any customization of the waveform. Our approach is generalizable to ISM-band devices, defense-critical links, and commercial wireless devices.

Distributed RF Communications

Distributed beamforming provides scalability to RF communications. A network of small size, weight, power, and cost (SWaP-C) transceivers precisely coordinate their RF emissions and reception to enable enhanced communications range, data rate, and/or robustness. The solution reaches farther without the need for large amplifiers or large directional antennas. Distributed sources provide an inherently low probability of a detect (LPD) and intercept (LPI) link which is challenging to localize. 

Emitter Localization for Marine Situational Awareness

The presence of atmospheric ducting allows some frequencies to propagate well beyond the radar horizon with only a small loss in signal strength. Through passive detection and data-driven algorithms, Synoptic is studying two sides of this phenomenon – how deeper knowledge of the atmosphere results in increased marine situational awareness, and how in-depth models of RF propagation can inform climate modeling.

Distributed Edge Sensing over Data Constrained Networks

How can an agent dynamically manage its constrained sensor resources to reach an operational objective? Where to look (sensor assignment) and what to send (information selection) form complementary optimization criteria, affecting both certainties of decision-makers and the consistency of information across a network.

Synoptic Engineering’s information-theoretic approach to optimization for multiple factors leads to performance improvements for distributed, edge-based sensing and communications.

Current Projects & Interests

  • Testing Regimes for Agent-Based Modeling

  • GPS-Free Navigation
  • Advancing Autonomous Vehicle Capabilities

  • Evolutionary Algorithms for Machine Learning Assurance
  • Improving Power Grid Reliability

  • Space Situational Awareness
  • Application of RF Algorithmic Techniques for Climate Research
  • Position, Navigation, and Timing
  • Scalable Distributed Communications
  • Overwater RF Propagation Phenomena
  • Two-Way Time Transfer and Ranging
  • Statistical Modeling of Uncertainty
  • Low Probability of Detection/Interference Communications

  • RF Microtagging